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On more demanding days, food can be an ally. Here are some foods that can help with productivity at work.

There are countless ways to increase productivity at work and in other daily tasks, nutrition being one of them. Discover, then, some foods that can help with productivity at work.


Most foods that can help with productivity at work have some aspects in common: they are either stimulating or rich in specific nutrients associated with better brain function.


Feeling tired? The first thing you probably think is that you need a coffee. In fact, coffee  is the second most consumed drink in the world, right after water.

Several studies prove that caffeine brings benefits to cognitive, concentration and reaction time, in addition to its consumption being associated with a reduced risk of dementia and diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. If you don’t like coffee, green tea could be an excellent alternative.


Cocoa consumption is associated with increased concentration and reduced feelings of tiredness. By increasing cerebral blood flow, it enhances attention and cognitive abilities, which makes it an excellent option for increasing productivity at work. According to an article published in the magazine BMC Nutrition, consuming cocoa can be even more effective than coffee which, alone, can increase anxiety levels.

You can consume this food naturally, including it in homemade cake or pancake recipes, for example. Alternatively, you can take dark chocolate with a cocoa content greater than 70% to work and snack on up to two squares of chocolate a day.


Banana  is a  very complete food and is another food that can help with productivity at work.

Bananas, in addition to being rich in several micronutrients beneficial to the body, such as potassium, B vitamins, magnesium, folic acid and fiber, also have high levels of sugar (fructose), essential for the proper functioning of your brain.

Several studies prove the benefits associated with consuming this fruit, including improved cognitive function, memory, levels of attention and concentration, speed of reasoning and reduced feelings of stress and anxiety. As you can see, it is advantageous to include this very practical food in some of your daily meals, such as breakfast for example.


The secret associated with salmon is its high content of omega-3 fatty acids. This type of polyunsaturated fat, generally called “healthy fat”, is essential for the correct functioning of your body, having positive consequences on brain and cardiovascular health.

Because it has neuroprotective effects, this food helps to delay brain aging, preventing the risk of dementia, diseases such as Alzheimer’s and stroke.

Red fruits

Red fruits are   another group of foods that you should prioritize in your daily diet. Blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, currants, strawberries are several examples of red fruits and are therefore rich in antioxidants.

Its consumption is associated with really important benefits for the body, since, by reducing oxidative stress in cells, it can prevent various types of diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other neurological diseases. Furthermore, some of these fruits also have positive effects on memory loss.

Dry fruits

Walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts and cashews are some of these foods that are so rich for our body. Rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3 and 6), vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, dried fruits contain several micronutrients, bringing together numerous advantages, particularly in brain health.

Within this food group, walnuts are the dry fruit with the greatest impact on good brain function, improving cognitive capacity, memory and contributing to a good mood.


Rich in several nutrients, such as omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, avocado is another food that can help with productivity at work.

The properties also present in this fruit can help improve concentration capacity and prevent premature brain aging, preventing memory loss and the development of diseases such as Alzheimer’s.


In terms of including a vegetable, spinach could not be forgotten. With a high content of antioxidants, spinach can contribute to the prevention of premature brain aging, helping to maintain a good memory.

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