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To go on a long trip in a car, it needs to be in good condition. Regular inspections and maintenance must be carried out. This includes both the mechanical and electrical parts. Furthermore, the car needs to be fueled since, without fuel, it cannot leave the place to take us to incredible places.

It’s the same with food! It is essential for the proper functioning of our body, as it provides the necessary nutrients so that we can carry out our daily activities and enjoy unforgettable moments with those we love.

One of these nutrients are vitamins. And today, we’re going to talk specifically about vitamin C and which foods you can find it in.

 What makes vitamin C so special?

Vitamin C, also called ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin (that is, water-soluble) that performs several antioxidant and physiological functions in the body. Among its benefits: helps stimulate the immune system, preventing flu, colds and sore throats; increases resistance to infections; promotes wound healing and can slow the aging process.

Do you think it’s over? None of that! Vitamin C plays an important role in iron absorption, which can prevent anemia. Furthermore, it can improve blood circulation and help prevent cardiovascular diseases. And if you are an enthusiast of gaining muscle mass, vitamin C can be an ally, as it helps with muscle regeneration after intense exercise.

We’ve already said here on the blog that collagen is an essential protein for our body and guess who plays a crucial role in collagen production? That’s right, vitamin C! Through adequate collagen synthesis, this vitamin can help combat sagging skin and strengthen cartilage, thus preventing joint weakening. Without a doubt, another important point for the list of benefits of this vitamin!

The need and importance of vitamin C for babies

An adequate diet rich in vitamins is crucial for the healthy growth and development of babies, especially in the first months of life. Vitamin C is an important nutrient for the proper functioning of the body and should be included in children’s diets from an early age.

During the first six months of life, breastfeeding is the exclusive source of nutrition for the baby. Therefore, it is essential that the mother consumes foods rich in vitamin C, so that breast milk can offer an adequate amount of this nutrient.

Then, when the baby starts receiving other foods, it is recommended that he consumes around 60 mg of vitamin C per day. This can be achieved through the consumption of fruits.

A daily lack of vitamin C can negatively affect children’s health, making them more likely to develop skin problems, anemia, bleeding gums, slow wound healing, tooth loss, bone fragility and reduced resistance to infections. Furthermore, vitamin deficiency can impair learning, concentration and memory in these developing individuals.

What foods are rich in vitamin C?

The benefits of vitamin C for our health are truly impressive. But did you know that this nutrient cannot be produced by our body? Therefore, the recommendation is to consume foods that contain it daily (fortunately, there are many!).

To maintain a good level of vitamin C in the body, it is recommended that men consume around 90 mg and women 75 mg daily. For children, the dose is 60 mg, while breastfeeding women need 90 mg per day.

However, it is important not to overdo it, as an excessive amount can harm the body. Therefore, it is essential to maintain balance and follow expert recommendations.

Now, write down which foods you can find good amounts of vitamin C in and take with you when you put your shopping in your cart:

  • Fruits with the highest amount of vitamin C: acerola, cashew, tangerine, guava, orange, papaya, kiwi, mango, strawberry and star fruit.
  • Vegetables with the highest vitamin C content include: yellow peppers, red peppers, kale, watercress and parsley.
  • Other foods where you can find vitamin C: lemon, pineapple, cantaloupe, broccoli, tomatoes, watermelon and leafy greens.

In short, vitamin C is an important ally for the health of our body, acting on several physiological and antioxidant functions – after all, it is the most abundant antioxidant in our body!

Therefore, it is important to maintain a balanced diet and include foods rich in vitamin C in our daily diet, such as fruits and vegetables. In some cases, it is also possible to count on the help of vitamin C supplements. But always remember to consume the recommended amount daily and avoid excessive consumption, which can also harm your health. Whoever loves takes care!

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